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Shopping Tips

Destination: ThaiInfo

Welcome to Amazing Thailand

Total Page Views for ThaiInfo: 3,077,015 - Views this week: 3,077,015
It is recommended to be aware of certain “rules of the game” when buying things in Thailand. You will have more fun shopping and avoid frustration later:

Bargaining is an important feature as everywhere in Asia.  Foreigners should participate and enjoy it as well. It is possible to bargain down prices 20 % or more except  in department stores as they have price labels (fixed price).

Touts should be avoided. They recommend a special and very cheap shop and often offer a free taxi to get you there. The taxi cost as well as the commission for the tout is reflected in the high price of the goods you buy.

You should to compare prices with other similar stores and walking towards the door in order to leave the shop may also get you a reduced price.

Everything you buy, check it thoroughly! A necklace or a bunch of bananas – Thais do it in the same way.
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