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Rating and Ranking of Accommodation

Destination: ThaiInfo

Welcome to Amazing Thailand

Total Page Views for ThaiInfo: 3,076,779 - Views this week: 3,076,779
In the travel destinations you can choose among a variety of categories, starting from guesthouses to simple and inexpensive hotels and also comfortable and luxury hotels in a particular location.
On this website we provide accommodation cards which give you a precise and accurate description of all the available options. Mansions, resorts, long-stay accommodation and other special Thai versions are similarly detailed described. If you identify yourself as a backpacker you will not read about the expensive hotels. If you classify yourself as an average traveler you will find all the middle class accommodation but no cheap guesthouses or luxury hotels. The Accommodation Cards will be presented according to your own details.
The listed prices of accommodation originating from the date of recent research, which implies that, this information are up-to-date. When our on-site research team hears about exceptional, general or seasonal rise in prices, it will be immediately entered in the Accommodation Cards. This will be directly available for your information. No other travel guide – in printed version or in the internet – can offer you this up-to-dateness.
All accommodation is evaluated by our research teams using a 'Star Rating' system. Guesthouses are ranked from 1 to 3 stars, hotels from 1 to 5 stars.
The location and the place itself are rated as well, from 1 flower to 5 flowers. 2 flowers describing an average place, 3 flowers a beautiful one, 4 flowers a very beautiful one and 5 flowers a very rare, exceptional beautiful place.
We also evaluate the environmental friendliness of the management. However, as the environmental awareness is just in the beginning in Thailand, only very few accommodations are rated with green leaves.
In case an experienced traveler does not agree with our ratings, we are glad to receive comments by email with photos. Our research team will check upon these comments during four months. We will consider that we are able to use these photos free of charge on our website marked up with the initials. If not, please give us a notification.
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