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Internet Radio and TV

Destination: ThaiInfo

Welcome to Amazing Thailand

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Radio and TV stations are commercially based and the programs are interrupted by commercial advertisements. There are more than 400 local radio stations nationwide. Their programs (transmitted on AM and FM) are intended for a wide cross section of the public and consist mainly of broadcasts with typical Thai music.
Various FM stations offer programs in English broadcasting  western rock and pop (e.g. Soft 107 on 107 MHz) and  classical music as well (e.g. Chulangkorn University Radio on 101,5 MHz).
In Bangkok and its vicinity there is an English commentary. Stations offer comments in English which is broadcast parallel to the news on television on the following frequencies: on 105,5 MHz for TV-channel 3; on 103,5 MHz for TV-channel 7; on 107 MHz for TV-channel 9; on 88 MHz for TV-channel 11.
Internet and WiFi is nowadays available in most  hotels, restaurants. Moreoverhot spots can be found all over Thailand and even the smallest coffee shop offers WiFi

Internet Shops, with printers and scanners are also widely spread, not only in tourism areas but also in small villages in the countryside.
There are seven national TV stations, two of them are owned by the military. The entertainment programs are rather low level. Predominantly they broadcast game shows, dramatic soap operas, fairytale-like Chinese stories about history and demons, second-class Hollywood films and ordinary cartoons.
Noteworthy is the long duration of the news, for example on channel 7 from 7.30 pm to 9 pm. There are reports about national and international events, furthermore in details about the daily activities of the King and the royal family. This always starts with lively military marches.
Nowadays cable TV is available in many hotels, among others there are the English speaking stations CNO, HBO and MTV and Star TV via satellite.

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