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Mining in Thailand

Destination: ThaiInfo

Welcome to Amazing Thailand

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The most important mineral resources of Thailand are tungsten, manganese and tin. They are mined in south western Thailand and on Phuket island. Thailand is among the world's leading nations of tin exporters. However, due to the drop in prices in the world market it lost  prominence during the last few years. Almost half of the 600 tin mines were closed until 1985.

Find out more about tin:

Watch a Thai movie about tin:
Since 1984 the oil and gas production has increased in the gulf of Thailand enabling less dependency on foreign energy imports. Hydro-electric power plants contribute about 20 % of the total energy used, while lignite is slightly more important. An increase in production is planned. The largest lignite mines are near Lampang in the north of Thailand and in Kanchanaburi.
The gem industry is anticipating a bright future. It is the fifth largest source of foreign exchange. The export volume for cut rubies, sapphires and other gems or half-gems developed from 4 million US dollars to 1.5 billion US dollars over the last 30 years. Exports are expected to increase.
Gold from Thailand
Thailand has gold mines, too. Fairly wellknown are the gold fields of an especially high purity by a river near Bang Saphan. You may watch the gold miners there doing their work.
Less known is the high-tech goldmine, owned by the Australian Mining Company Kingsgate Consolidated. Their mine is the very successful open pit mine Chatree in the central part of Thailand, which mines gold at a cost of only US$288-359/Ounce.
A useful link about gold and silver:

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