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The East Coast of Koh Phangan

You are looking for a tropical paradise? A quiet, remote place? Then the East Coast should be your choice!
The connection road from Thongsala is getting better every year, however, most beaches on the East Coast remain fairly hard to reach and mostly not connected to the power grid.
So here you can still find the old spirit of the island, with not much more than your hammock on the beach and a simple bamboo hut.
Obviously, this setting attracts quite a different crowd. On the East Coast you will find older and more alternative people as well as longtermers and families.
The East is always good for a day trip, but don't be stupid and ride your motorbike with flip flops. Ever wondered why every fifth person has their legs bandaged, the so called Phangan tattoo?
Thong Nai Pan is the ultimate place on the East Coast, but has changed a lot in recent years. But if you come here for the first time, it is still easy to like!
All in all, the East Coast has steeper beaches, offering much better swimming conditions, and a sunrise instead of a sunset. Most beaches are very secluded amidst the jungle. So please also be prepared for bigger bugs and lizards here...

Boats to Ko Phangan

Historic Map of Koh Phangan

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