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Ghost resort near Mae Haad Beach

If you are looking for a fantastic way to escape the tourist hordes and go for a little adventure, you should visit the ghost resort near Mae Had Beach!
Already from the hill South of Mae Had you can see the big buildings on the other side of the bay. If you make a right turn from the main road instead of goiung straight to Mae Had, the road will lead you up the hill. Beware of rubble on the road! 
After a few more turns you will reach the first buildings of the resort which sit there all deserted. They look like the resort is about to open soon. But only if you look from the front... 
From here the road goes up another hill, first on paved surface, then on a very bad gravel path. If it gets to steep for you here, just park your motorbike and walk the rest of the way up to the top.
On the road, warmed by the sunrays, you might see big monitor lizards, but they disappear at the smallest noise. Suddenly you are aware again that you are in the middle of a jungle!
When you arrive at the top, take your time to walk through the huge resort. The big building at the top was probably meant to be a restaurant. At every corner you will find new spectacular views!
But please be careful! Their is a lot of rubble and core iron sticking out of the surface. Also, not all floors are entirely solid and there are dangerous holes in the ground. While roaming through the resort you can imagine what it would have been like to stay at this luxury resort and dine on the posh terrace. Or you can imagine what the broke investrors might be doing nowadays!
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