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Koh Bulon Aktivitaeten

Places of excursion are the Nose Cave in the northeast, the Bat Cave in the southwest, Mango Bay in the south or a night walk during full moon to the Moonsighting Platform in the east. For tours on land it is advisable to wear sturdy shoes, in order to be protected from viper bites.
Boat trips
Mr. Chaeng from Bulon Hill Resort organizes an adventurous trip to Koh Lipe (4 days / 3 nights) for 4000 Baht, accommodation in tents. Bang Daeng and Mr. Nann (just ask in the village) also organize various trips.
Snorkeling is also suitable for beginners on two coral reefs, with many colorful soft corals and other attractions. The most beautiful reef is located southeast of Pansand Resort, among others you can see lion fish (do not touch!), morays and small reef sharks. At times the visibility is not so good.
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